Укрепване на капацитета за подкрепа на активния живот на възрастните хора в контекста на 21-ви век – програма за наставничество от връстници за лица над 50 години.
Партньорите-наставници ще повишат уменията си и ще споделят опита си по начин, който да намери отклик сред лицата над 50 години.
Това ще бъде постигнато чрез участие в обучение за партньорски наставници, като се използва международен опит.
Основни резултати по проекта:
As a researcher and professor of the studies of Labour market and social policy I find the results of peer Train 50+ Project beneficial in suggesting not only how Labour Market and Social Policies could benefit from lifelong learning and active aging but also foster the reforms beyond the Corona crisis.
The modules created by the project partners can support those in more difficult situations helping them to overcome psychological holes and eroded self-confidence.
I hope that the "Peer Train 50+" project can continue to provide exciting impetus beyond the duration of the project and help as many people in as many European countries as possible, in the spirit of Leopold Rosenmayr's book title (2nd ed. 2013) at a more mature age "to live (again)" and to experience and receive inspiration and support.
Prof. Guggemos

The benefits of Peer-to-Peer training and learning in companies is indisputable. I find the results, developed by PEER TRAIN 50+ project partners credible and conclusive. The modules respond to the needs of the 21c. job market, thus, can be a valuable input in peer training programmes to train new hires or less experienced employees.
Dr. Thorsten Bohnenberger

I see various approaches to positive organisational development in the PEER TRAIN 50+ project. Substantial mentoring operates under the motto: no one is left behind.
The change in systems and the digitalisation of the world (of work) are further qualification components by which future success will be measured. “Leading to learn, learning to lead” by K. Anderson clearly describes the importance of a learning organisation. Laying experience on top of theoretical knowledge and being able to use guidance in practice can make all the difference.
Celine Sen - IG Metall Augsburg

European projects are a good impulse for social cohesion. These projects link scientific research and market, encourage an entrepreneurial culture, as well as provide financial instruments to address specific market failures. Thus, I find the results of the Peer Train 50+ project reliable since they offer ways of coping with the consequences of demographic change and provide tools on how to increase the workability of elderly people.
Andreas Jäckel
